Two Signatures Standard Plan

A signature is proof of your identity, and it’s not unusual for people to use distinct signatures for different purposes. This is especially common in Japan, where the English alphabet coexists with kanji characters. Do you want your own unique signature too?

The Value Plan provides you with two different signature designs. You’ll be able to specify your preferences before we start the designing process. This is our most popular plan that includes CD data and practicing documents for two signatures. We have three typefaces for both kanji and English, respectively.

This plan is perfect if…

Standard PlanStandard Plan

Signature Design Samples

Signature Design Samples

Signature Design Samples

  • 箭内 恵理子
  • 箭内 恵理子

Signature Design Samples

  • 高潮 譲次
  • Joji.T

Signature Design Samples

  • 木下 司
  • T.Kinoshita

Signature Design Samples

  • 樋口 淳也
  • Junya.H

Signature Design Samples

  • 藤原佑也
  • T.Fujihara