A logo is a rewarding tool when promoting your business, product, or service. If you’re looking for an original design that leaves an impression, consider using a handwritten signature logo.
Many world-renowned names, including Yohji Yamamoto, STÜSSY, and agnès b., have easily recognizable signature logos that reflect the brands’ character.
Despite being simple handwritten designs, they each convey a powerful message. This is partly thanks to the endless possibilities of a signature; The “font” depends solely on the writer,
birthing a genuinely distinctive design that leaves such a strong impression.
Another perk is the friendly but sophisticated feel that a handwritten design offers.
If you want a logo that’s different, unique, and flexible, a handwritten design may be what you’re looking for.
Be it your current company, a startup, a new product or service... We’re ready to start discussing the best signature logo for your new endeavor.
Shown above are three sample logos for fictitious design firm K.Uranuma DESIGN.
Each logo portrays a different company image.
A signature logo reflects maximum originality for memorable and exclusive branding.
Consider a signature logo if your business, product, or service needs a new design.
- Most logo designs are based on existing letter fonts.
A signature logo is much more unique and will make your brand stand out. - Signature logos resonate with the heart.
They are more powerful and leave a lasting impression. - Handwritten logos are memorable and appealing.
The artistic feel lingers in the minds of potential customers. - Signatures are one-and-only, designed entirely from scratch.
This also helps to prevent forgery.
We ask you to submit your preferences through our order form. You can also connect with us through the contact form for any inquiries.
We will design your signature logo based on the information you provided. A draft will be sent to you within five to seven business days.
We will send you the proposed logo design. Let us know if you would like to change anything.
We will deliver the final signature logo and all related documents.
“All related documents” refers to the AI data (vector) and copyright transfer agreement.
Logos for business recognition and understanding
Logos for product/service brand image
Logos for branding,
clarifying product/service character
Logo design is essential for maintaining brand identity. It also raises awareness and solidarity among personnel.
Whether it be unifying your own staff or being recognized by the general public, a quality logo has the power to accelerate your brand’s success.